How to: Government Contracting for Veteran-Owned Businesses

How to: Government Contracting for Veteran-Owned Businesses

Applying skills learned in the military world to entrepreneurial pursuits is not a stretch. Leadership, resilience, calm under pressure, strategic thinking, maturity, discipline, dedication – these are many of the keys to success, whether in the armed forces or in the business world. The PACT Act is a new law that expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to burn pits and other toxic substances.

Small Business Administration (SBA)

In other cases, the procuring agent might decide that only a certain classification of businesses could bid on a particular contract. In the set aside scenario, a procurement officer may decide to only open the bidding process to a minority or preference class of business. Any company that did not have the required certification would not be able to bid on the project. One limitation to this setting is that if there are not at least two businesses of this classification bidding, the bid may have to be reissued and opened to a wider group.

Veterans Resource Center

The course is geared toward service-disabled men and women and focuses on small business management and financing. Joining a chamber of commerce can open up new opportunities and enhance your network. There are hundreds of chambers in Texas, serving communities of all sizes.

Even if your business doesn't target federal contracts, getting certified can give you an advantage in the corporate and private world. Many companies maintain a goal for purchasing from veteran-owned businesses, and two-thirds of citizens prefer to buy from veterans according to Being a veteran is a lifelong distinction, but did you know that it can help boost your business too? Your veteran status can help you land lucrative contracts and reel in new customers, especially if you seek out certification as a veteran-owned small business. There are several different certifications you can get, depending on your business goals. The VA also offers programs to support your veteran-owned business.

You may be eligible if you’re a Veteran, and you or another Veteran at your company meet all of these requirements. One or more Service Disabled Veterns must unconditionally own 51% of the business, control its management – including long-term decision making – and daily operations, sempersolaris AND hold the highest officer position . In fact, some of the rock stars of the corporate world – Lowell McAdam , Frederick Smith , Daniel Akerson – sport military pedigrees. For these blue-chip leaders, it seems lessons learned in the military carried over to business acumen.

Boots to Business

Government certification is necessary to be eligible for set-asides and obtain federal contracts. In 1999, Congress passed the Veterans Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development Act. The new law directed that aid be given both to veterans and service-disabled veterans. As a result, the federal government now prioritizes contracts for veteran-owned small businesses and service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses .

I turned the offer with down twice before accepting, when I finally stopped doubting my own skill set. Mental health is important in any transition into civilian life. But I ignored the signs and instead leaned into going out, eating poorly and working myself to exhaustion to try and manage the stress of transition without acknowledging what I was feeling.


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